Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

I've got so much to talk about. Camera issues are number one. Stephanie and I created these great little movies of our beach trip and now we can not upload them to our blog..ugh. They are quick time videos set to music; can anyone help?

Then we had Harrison's first b-day party last weekend and now I can not seem to get my pictures to upload from my new camera on either our home computer or the mac. Technology is a pain sometimes.

Today we had the most amazing day and I can't get those pictures uploaded either. Seems that we moved into small town America. Terrel Hills had the best 4th of July parade I have ever seen. It was small, quaint and fun. I felt like I was in a movie. People played patriotic music, decorated their cars, made floats and just had a blast. It ended with a little festival. There were moon bounces, pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, face painting, tattoos, balloon animals, music, drinks, wine tasting and beer - did I mention this was all free!!! It was great. Then we had four different families over to our house for a rotating party. We did appetizers and water toys (baby pools, 2 slip and slides, and a larger blow up pool), the second stop was at the Miracle house (their real name) where we had burgers and a balloon toss (adults had to participate) and then the last house was marble slab type ice cream party and a real pool (you know, like we once had). Jackson literally fell asleep on the couch at 6:15 pm waiting for me to put him in the shower. I just placed him in bed, in his swim suit. So, life is good.

I love my new house and the summer. My dear friend Penny has helped me decorate it so wonderfully. I am now blogging on my new pink toile chaise lounge; donated to the Hedgepeth home by Tia Penny's mom (you have to see it) - along with many other great pieces of furniture and fun stuff. This July 4th I am thankful for my great friends and family. I don't know what I would do without any of you (the fey crew, hedgepeth clan, tia penny, and all of my dear friends of whom I think of like sisters, you know who you are.) I am also thankful for the little things that make me happy - like the new label maker I got with my Target gift card - that thing makes me smile.

Hopefully this video will make you smile. It is one of the last things that I could get uploaded to my computer. It is of Jackson at VBS with his new friend Charlotte. Charlotte is quite the dancer and loved my Jackson - who doesn't?


Anonymous said...

So glad things are fantastic! Can't wait to see the house.

Have you tried uploading video to YouTube first? Don't know what's up with the photos.

Honorary Indian said...

Love the recap of the last few weeks. Sounds like your 4th holiday was so much fun. Don't ask me for any technological help. I know nothing.