Friday, May 2, 2008


How is it that one kid can be the biggest pain in the butt and yet the pure joy in your life? This morning was super tough with him - removing the Spiderman PJs was impossible for school. Then he kept saying his tummy hurt - so I was in constant stress just waiting for him to throw up.

My dear friend Kristen took this kid out with her and Ed on Wednesday night so that I could get some packing done. Thanks! The good news is that he was gone and safe, the bad news is that he ate a box of Vanilla Wafers for dinner - hum, is this related to the tummy ache?

Our garage sale is tomorrow - "Show me the Money!"


Anonymous said...

Are you guys still staying in SA? What did I miss? I know you sold your house but why? What's goin on?

Yvette said...

So how was the garage sale? Hope you survived the weekend. If Jackson went to school as a superhero his friends would probably think he was way COOL!