Friday, December 7, 2007

Random Facts

So, I have been tagged by Melody to play this game where you list 7 random facts about yourself. There are these rules that you are supposed to post …

1. But those who know me well will tell you that I am a rule breaker. Thus, I wont post the rules or tag anyone else. I know, I am a rebel. But really, this is just me. I don’t wear my name tag at work. I try to use expired coupons. I am always looking for the best deal. Sometimes at a restaurant if I ordered water and the waiter comes back and asks if I want more iced tea, I take it – without paying! I often don’t use my blinker when I change lanes. This is a flaw, a big one. And the strange thing is I am surrounded by the most honest people…you know who you are.
2. I love being a mom but getting pregnant or pregnancy did not come easy to me. With my son Jackson, I threw up (a lot), I was super swollen, and I labored for 22 hours. With Harrison, I threw up (at least daily for a while), I had gestational diabetes and I broke my ankle at 35 weeks pregnant.
3. When I was little I had a Doberman Pincher named Bo and a Toy Poodle named Tilly (at the same time). I am not a cat person. We got our Schnauzer, Hanzi in Germany and had him for about 14 years. We do not have a dog now, and I really don’t want one.
4. I love TV but don’t get to watch as much anymore. Shaun and I have really bonded on Sundays (Dream On, Sopranos, Sex in the City, 6 Feet Under, Big Love, Entourage, and Curb Your Enthusiasm) and Thursdays (Friends, Survivor, and E.R.) over the years. I love me some good TV. For my 30th b-day I even got a TV for out bathroom. There isn’t that much great TV on right now, in my opinion.
5. In 6th grade I did a jazz dance to Centerfold by the J. Giles Band.
6. I was never athletic. Then in my 30s I walked marathon, and ran a half marathon, and did quite a few triathlons. This was before Jackson. I started working out again after he was born (a little). But since Harrison I have lost my mojo. I have no desire. I wish I did, I know it is good for me, but the desire is gone. I’d like it back.
7. I am an only child. Yet, I have some fantastic girlfriends. I have had them for years and I seem to be only getting more. I love talking and bonding with females. Girls are great. I hope to raise fantastic boys who can be wonderful to the women in their lives (including me).
8. I wish I was more creative. I love to scrapbook and take pictures, but I am not great at either one. I love my job. But if I could do something else (and do it well), I would be a photographer, or open some sort of Hallmark store (you know, that sells invitations, fun things and cards… things that make people happy). It would be great to only have people see you when they are happy.

Look I broke the rules and did a list of 8…you’ve got to love that.


Anonymous said...

I love reading random facts about people! You are rule breaker! And marathoner? That is very cool...way to go!

Yvette said...

Well, how is this for something out of the past. I was searching your blog to look at that picture of one of your beautiful boys feet. Cause I have a cute one of Em's... anyway, this post must have been before I read blogs much less commented on them. I love this entry, you are great! How fun to read it!! Love you