My mom and I were looking for some old paper work. She said, "I have your old school bag in my garage." I didn't even know what she was talking about. But when I found this bag it instantly brought back memories. This is what I carried to school in 7th grade. I guess back packs weren't in at that time. This bag is a world traveler. I mean that. I had this bag when we lived in Turkey, it then moved to Germany, San Antonio, North Carolina, South Carolina, Amarillo, Albuquerque and now it is home. Wow!
So, inside I found this old report card. OUCH! The teacher comments kind of sting. "Very talkative," "Capable of much more," " Very loud and talkative." I mean, really? I talked too much? Do I still talk too much??? The grades were kind of pitiful too. Yet, this is helpful. I mean at the time, my parents could have been pretty concerned. But they always knew I'd be okay. I'd like to tell those teachers, I went on to get a Master's degree and I am in the profession of listening to others, but they probably wouldn't believe me.
I just got a e-mail from Jackson's teacher recently. She said, "Jackson is so full of life and enthusiastic." Is this pre-school teacher lingo for "out of control, wild and doesn't listen?" Hopefully not and if so, I guess it can still all work out okay.
P.S. Jackson asked me about this bag. And I told him, "It is momma's bag from when she was a girl." He said, "Momma, you so funny, you still a girl!"
1 comment:
I bet the bag brought back lots of memories. Mom still has some of my old report cards, too, and it's always fun to read teacher comments. That's cool that your mom hung on to stuff like that. And, no, you don't still talk too much. If you do, then we'd have to say that I do, too, and that's alright by me. There are worse qualities to have, don't ya think?
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