Tuesday, June 16, 2009


While I was away a few weeks ago visiting Nancy, Jason and sweet baby Lila in LA, daddy was in charge. One day when I called to ask what was going on, Shaun said, "We are all watching Mannequin." What that old movie from the 80's?? Yes, it turns out that the kids love it, actually, Harrison is in love with movie. It is the first and last thing he asks for every day. He says,"I watch Alive?" That is what he calls the movie and he dances with excitement when she comes alive. It is so darn cute to see him so excited. It is not an appropriate movie for a 2 year old but I could be stuck watching the same episode of Wonder Pets 5 times a day, so I consider myself lucky. Below is the scene that causes much dancing and jumping in the house. What do your kids watch that you know they shouldn't?...please, someone else tell me that they let their kids watch something they really don't approve of. please.


HipMomma said...

Oh yes. And it's also because of Daddy.

Yvette said...

HOw funny! Well I am afraid the Simpsons are as bad as it gets in our house. Except for the total amount of tv time Em seems to clock up...I am afraid to keep track. Yikes!

NInesta said...

He is just so cute sitting on that couch. That kid is something else. For the record, we are so happy that you came to visit us. And, Happy Birthday!!!