Thursday, June 11, 2009

Time to eat the donuts

How do you keep a 2 year old happy at a t-ball game? Feed him a donut! Then he puts on a show and and no one in the stands even watches the game - just the cute kid getting covered in chocolate. I need to upload more pics of what Harrison eats. It is pretty funny.

I just looked at my baby widget and it says 100 days till baby. Wow. I am still shocked every time he moves. This is really happening...

Jackson and Harrison are taking swim lessons every day for two weeks. Jackson's instructor called Jackson "Dennis the Menace" and said he never stops moving. Compliment or not??? I am not sure.

P.S. I'm trying to use all these new links to make posting to blogger easier and they just end up messing up what I want to do. Like why is 1/2 of the above post in blue and underlined? Who knows, at least you have a new post to look at. Have a great weekend. Love you guys!

1 comment:

HipMomma said...

I'd prefer to watch Harrison over baseball ANY day.

(Want any belly shots? ;-) )