Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crazy week

We went from a cooking class on Saturday at Central Market to the ER Saturday night for my mom. She had emergency back surgery and was in the ICU for 4 days. It was awful. She is home now. Between that, work, wild boys and other daily drama things have been busy. Plus I cant figure out how to make my flip video into quick time so I can upload it to my I have been blog boycotting. Here are some old bath pics to make you (and me) smile. Miss you guys.


Anonymous said...

Goodness, Dawn. Hope she gets a quick recovery.

Love that last shot. Hope you framed that one.

Anonymous said...

So glad Sandy is better! And, omg . . . those boys are too cute.

Honorary Indian said...

Yes, those pics sure made me smile.

You have definitely had your hands full.

Got a Flip's still in the package. Lot of good it's doing me.

Glad we have a date to see each other...even if it's in a month.

Hope your mom healing quickly.

Stephanie said...

Dawn, these pictures made me laugh out loud. Montgomery loved them too! I've been thinking about your mom so much. (And texting you - busy girl). Keep me posted & let me know how I can help!

fictionmama said...

Harrison's expressions are EXACTLY like yours. I think I've seen you make a few of those faces when you tell me funny stories!

Yvette said...

So Happy to hear from you and see your cute boys. Love the hair. I smiled too! Please give my love to your mom! So sorry you guys have had to deal with all of that. I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Love ya!

NInesta said...

hee hee...could not stop laughing at those pictures. Jackson looks like a teenager. what up with that???? miss you. glad to hear that Sandy is doing better. miss you, love you.