This week has been tough at work. Two students I work with lost their mom in a tragic car accident. The mom was 38 and she leaves behind 17 and 12 year old daughters and a 14 year old son. And a loving husband. And her mom and her dear abuella. So, many people loved her. Wow...it takes my breath away to think about this family. They will make it and stick together - I can already tell.
Love your kids and love them hard. You never know what is going to happen. And even when times aren't the best - know that you are all together and loved.
It takes a lot of bad pictures to get the great ones, and maybe sometimes it's the bad pictures that make us family. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Amen, sister. I helped out with the elementary school's picture day today, and one of the little girls was in a wheelchair...barely responsive due to some severe handicap. The teacher asked me to watch her while the teacher had her own picture taken, and I talked quietly to this beautiful little girl and told her how pretty her pictures were going to be...all the while knowing she wouldn't be able to respond to me. But, she smiled, ever so slightly, and it was all I could do to fight the tears and think how blessed I am to have my healthy children and what special people are in this little girl's life...loving her and raising her and taking her to school when others might just commit her to an institution. You are right on about loving your kids hard. We are so tremendously blessed.
And that picture is so appropriate for this post. Thank you for the reminder.
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