I am having shoe issues lately. I love the look of heels, but hate to wear them. I have threatened to pull an "Ellen Degeneres" and just begin only wearing cute tennis shoes to work. I found some cute flats, so I am okay for a while.
But, this was Jackson's look all of Spring Break in Dallas. Don't know why and he has not done it since, but I found it quirky...I love that.
Oh, by the way. Whatever your weekend holds, I hope it is better than my morning yesterday. Yes, at 7:30am, both boys were locked in the car , buckled in their seats, with my car keys (and my coffee) for about 15 minutes.
Ugh - it could have been worse, Right?
Happy Weekend!
My weekend should be great because it does not include me in a sleeveless dress. Yippee.