Saturday, April 26, 2008

Spring has arrived

I love this picture and how Harrison has put his hand on Jackson's hand. In a nice moment it is because he loves his brother, but the reality is he is holding on for dear life because his brother is about to drown him (on accident of course).

When I see these pictures it makes me so sad about leaving our pool. I hope we are making the right decision. Luckily my parents have a pool so we can always spend more time with them.

What do I love more about this guy? His blue eyes or his double is a toss up!
The house Gods seem to be working to our advantage. Please pray, dance, wish and hope that all things work out the way they should.

Big News

I had a blast in Austin. Maybe it was because the universe knew I would be coming home to stress. Here are Jen's pictures because it looks like I may never get to post mine.

We got an offer on the house. Yippe - but now we need to be out in 3 weeks. UHG!!!!

I need help packing, taking care of my kids and moving .

Please, only serious offers need respond.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

thanks shaun

This GREAT guy took care of my boys this weekend while I was away with the girls.
Thank you Shaun. I had a great time.
BTW we got an offer on our house and I don't know what we should do about moving.
Please send me some positive energy that we make the right decision.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Can I do this?

I am having shoe issues lately. I love the look of heels, but hate to wear them. I have threatened to pull an "Ellen Degeneres" and just begin only wearing cute tennis shoes to work. I found some cute flats, so I am okay for a while.
But, this was Jackson's look all of Spring Break in Dallas. Don't know why and he has not done it since, but I found it quirky...I love that.
Oh, by the way. Whatever your weekend holds, I hope it is better than my morning yesterday. Yes, at 7:30am, both boys were locked in the car , buckled in their seats, with my car keys (and my coffee) for about 15 minutes.
Ugh - it could have been worse, Right?
Happy Weekend!
My weekend should be great because it does not include me in a sleeveless dress. Yippee.